My New Moon Essentials
The New Moon is my absolute favorite time for reflection and seed planting. It is also a great time to begin something fresh, exciting or different. I love to check in with some of the best astrology babes to see what they have to reveal about this moon phase & cycle ~ Chani Nichols Lisa Stardust Erin Duffy Osswald Mystic Mama ~ And then I gather my essentials for some "me" time.

Aromatherapy & setting intentions are a big part of my ritual. I always wear my New Moon Lunar Body Oil a few days before and after the New Moon. It is an oh so dark & mysterious blend made with oils of Pine, Tobacco Leaf Absolute, Nutmeg & Spearmint. This particular New Moon is in Pisces and it coincides with Daylight Savings time. Pisces is the final sign of the zodiac and represents resolution. (My moon sign is Pisces).
I choose an oracle card deck to consult with before journaling. Some of my favorites are: Spirit De La Luna deck and Tongue Of The Trees Aromatherapy Oracle deck. I usually do a two card pull asking these questions: What do I need to know ~ and what do I need to to?
I choose a crystal, typically a clear quartz point for clarity of mind. And with a hot cup of tea or coffee, I crack open my journal and get to writing.
One journal prompt I love is to create two columns. At the top of the right column write "I Shed" and underneath it list every single thought, belief, behavior, pattern, job or person you are done with. At the top of the left column write "I Assume" and underneath it list all of the thoughts, behaviors and wonderful things you are open to working towards and assuming this year. (I learned this prompt from Magdalena on Tik Tok).
The Pisces New Moon (on March 10th, 2024, 5:00am EST) is supposed to be mystical, magical, dreamy, imaginative, sparkly and nurturing. What will you be calling in? What are some of your rituals around the New Moon? And yes, Daylight Savings Time is this weekend (booooo!) We Spring forward on March 10th. I'll be in bed a few hours earlier than usual so it doesn't affect me.